My journey into the world of marathons and ultra marathons.

Friday, January 1, 2010

First Call to Run Marathon

OK, so much for taking a little time off. My friends were gathering again, it was fairly close by and FREE!!! How could I say no? I packed my car with everything I could possibly need. The weather forecast looked ominous: heavy steady rain, high winds, low 40’s. I decided to do battle with the distance wearing thick Capri tights, thick hooded tech shirt, winter running hat and a disposable poncho. I found Jill Hudson at the start line and decided it would be nice to run at least the first half with her. Today’s course would be a double out-and-back on the mostly flat, paved Sammamish river trail. The rain was steady and we did have a nice headwind, but it was pleasantly warm. Just a few miles into the race, the rain stopped and the sun peaked out. It was shaping up to be a good day. Add to that, I felt strong and rested, surprising considering how tired I was just 2 weeks earlier.

Jill and I ran a steady 5 miles, then took a brief walk break. We picked it up again when Brian Pendleton joined us and kept cruising happily along. Somewhere around mile 7, Jill commented that she thought we missed the turn-around. Sure enough, we had run ½ mile too far. As a group we decided to run to the 50k turn around, then correct the distance on the second out and back. Because this was a Fat Ass, and none of us were in a position to win the marathon, it seemed like a workable solution. We reached what we thought should be the 50k turnaround and there was no marker for at that point either. It became clear that someone had stolen the cones that marked the turn around points for the various race distances. How annoying! At mile 8 we turned and headed back to the start line, warning people heading the other direction that the markers were missing.

After the turn around, we settled into a slow, steady pace and decided it was time to plug into our ipods. Good friends are like that…. You enjoy each others company, but you don’t feel the need to fill the silence with chatter. Rocking out in our own personal world, but running side by side was the perfect way to pass the miles. We did manage to stop for awhile and walk with some of the usual marathon suspects: Brian, Jim, Monte, Ric. 5 minutes of howdy-dos and we were ready to go again.
We reached the start/halfway/finish line with 16 miles on our GPS systems. I took the time to grab a cookie and refill my water bottle and we were off again. We needed to run 5.1 miles out but decided to error on the side of going long, so we turned at 5.25. The final 5.25 miles took a toll on Jill who was just returning to marathoning after a series of unpleasant injuries. I promised to stick with her and make sure she got to the finish line. We walked a bit more than in the first 20 miles but still had a lot of fun. We finished in 4:53.

I really enjoyed this course for a small wintertime marathon and will return for future events when the goals is to get a long run in with a few dozen of my buddies.


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