My journey into the world of marathons and ultra marathons.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Green River Marathon

The Green River Marathon is a favorite amongst Marathon Maniacs, more than likely because it’s a Maniac sponsored event, it’s local AND it’s free. The added appeal for me was that it ran along bike paths for ¾ of the distance…. bike paths that I have run segments of at various times and I was curious how they linked together. I had decided to take the early start so Ric and I could be on our way to Sequim early in the afternoon and prepare for race two of my double weekend.

It was cool on race morning, so I decided to wear my pink Brooks skirt, white singlet and a black RunderWear top. I also carried my hydration pack with a rain shell, plenty of gels and my phone. I knew there were supposed to be aid stations, but since it was a free event I decided to do my best to be self-supported. I felt well prepared, but the one thing I hadn’t counted on ended up being the most difficult part of the run for me: there were few course markers and no mile markers. It was difficult to gage my pace, so I just ran by feel. I thought I was doing well in spite of having to stop at stoplights and getting off course with a few other runners. At one point we were running through South Park (didn’t even know it existed) complete with junk yard dogs and gang symbols spray painted on the trail. I managed to catch up to a big guy running the marathon and stuck with him until we were clear of this questionable neighborhood. I was quite surprised when I hit the 20 mile aid station with 3:45 on my watch. I thought I was running faster than that and felt a little demoralized. When the trail finally emerged on Alki Beach a headwind hit. There was plenty of activity on the beach though, so my mind focused on the volleyball tournament and the outrigger races instead of the wind. My legs were tired but I could see the finish line on the horizon. Unfortunately it stayed on the horizon and it felt like I was making no forward progress. But, as all marathons do, the Green River Marathon eventually came to an end and I crossed the finish line in 4:48:10. 18 minutes slower than my goal time, but I still had fun and suspect the course was a tad long.

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