My journey into the world of marathons and ultra marathons.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Carlsbad Marathon

My first marathon of the year was uneventful (a welcome relief after several difficult marathons in 2007). Mr. Hawk and I flew into San Diego the Tuesday before the race and headed straight for Yuma, Arizona to catch some sun. Yuma was sunny, but the Santa Anna winds were kicking up the whole time we were there (up to 35 mph gusts). We spent the days before the marathon working out at the World Gym, running along the river and lounging by the pool.

Saturday morning we drove to Carlsbad, selecting the scenic but longer route through the mountains to see the damage from last Falls wild fires. We arrived at the ocean in time to pick up my packet and meet some Maniacs for dinner at a great Italian place in old Carlsbad.

Sunday morning I woke up extra early because I selected the early start option, blasting off at 6:30. It was a good choice. Unlike last year, driving to the start took 5 minutes. I quickly found Karl since there were less than 200 early starters and promised to run with him through the early miles, hoping to pace him to a 4:15 finish. We started off well, although maybe a bit too fast. Mr. Hawk met us at mile 4 and I was already warm so I stripped down to my Maniac singlet and handed him my long sleeve shirt. Much to Mr. Hawks relief, Karl decided to keep his “throw away” sweater for another mile or two. Having Karl to chat with (and with lots of catching up to do since our last marathon at Haulin’ Aspen) made the long, uphill miles pass quickly and painlessly. We reached the halfway point right on target for a 4:30 finish, then Karl started having a few side stitch problems. I felt like I was just warming up so I continued on without him. I picked up my speed a bit, hoping to still get that 4:15. I felt really good the entire race and got a real mental boost out of seeing the elites several times during the out-and-back sections of this race. I finished in 4:17 with plenty left in the legs. The next morning I didn’t even feel like I had run a marathon, so Mr. Hawk and I went out for a little 4 miler on the beach. All in all, it was a perfect week away. I got lots of quality training in and a nice long run that I could count as marathon number 21.

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