My journey into the world of marathons and ultra marathons.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Autumn Leaves 50k

I entered this 50k at the last minute as a result of a DNF at a 50k in October. That DNF was haunting me AND I wanted Seattle (Nov 25) to be my 20th race of marathon or greater distance, so I needed a redemption race.

The race morning weather was perfect: 30 degrees and pitch-black at the start, requiring me to wear a headlamp for the first time ever. By mile 9 the sun was trying to come up but we were blanketed in the fog, mile 20 saw the sun in all it's glory and made for a relaxing and joyful final 12 miles.

I intended to run this race slow... as a last long run before Seattle. Unfortunately, my legs didn't get the memo and started out much too fast. The whole group I was running with went off course at mile 7 due to darkness and did a nice little extra loop through mud and roots. Same thing happened at mile 12. (This was a 5 mile course that we ran 6 times plus a 1 mile out and back at the start of the race). By mile 17 the sun was up enough that we actual stayed on course and it was much easier! I lapped my first group of runners at mile 20, then lapped several others during the last 12 miles. Lapping people gave me an energy burst, but I managed to slow myself down by remembering this was a training run to prepare for my goal race in 3 weeks. I started the last lap and decided to take it really easy and slowed down considerably, walking every mile
for several minutes.

I crossed the finish line in 5:40:00, picked up my finishers medal (nice, handmade piece) and headed home. Last night I received an email for the Race Director with the draft results: I was 3rd woman and 17th overall out of 103 runners. I'm ready to start tapering for Seattle.

Fashion report: Black Triks Marathon Girl running skirt, black Brooks long sleeve tech T, Nathan hydration pack, Smartwool socks, Brooks Adrenaline 7 shoes, Black Brooks hat, gold hoops and diamond studs.

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