My journey into the world of marathons and ultra marathons.

Sunday, May 7, 2006

Vancouver International Marathon 2006

This is going to be brief, since I just got home and need to warm up in the hot tub....
I woke up this morning to a heavy rain, reluctantly boarded the bus and headed for the start. I was surprised to see how many half marathoners were there compared to full runners. I tried my best to stay dry under the bleachers then at the last minute moved to the start line. Once moving, I actually enjoyed the rain. The course had lots of twists and turns and many hills, so the rain felt refreshing. I planned on an easy pace for this one, more like a training run. I felt great. My run was non-eventful except for the fact they ran out of water between mile 8 and mile 15 or so. How can a large marathon run out of water? Mile markers were hard to spot and many were wrong. I passed a sign that read "half-way full marathon" then a bit later one that said "13 miles full marathon" later still was a "half way there!" but I THINK my 1/2 split was 2:10. Weather started to clear and turn to mist as I picked up the pace. I crossed the finish with plenty left in my legs with a finish time of 4:15. Beautiful, challenging course. Great medal, too! Sorry for the short and incomplete report but I'm brain dead after running in the rain, then driving 5 hours.

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